Mommy to mommy lunch in Oak Ridge

Every second and fourth Friday of the month we go to Oak Ridge to the Mommy to Mommy lunch. The lunch is at the Methodist Hospital Conference Center. I have gotten to know a couple of mommies and we have a great time visiting.

This is Lori and she is the Mother Goose coordinator that meets on the second and fourth Thursday of the month. We have enjoyed going to Mother Goose meetings and learning new rhythms and rhymes!

Debora and Maddie. We got to know each other at the lunch meetings.

Andrew is busy playing while I am busy eating!

There have been quite a few new babies that were born this spring and summer.


DanaCinTN said…
You are an amazing person! You do so much with Andrew, and then let the rest of us know through this great blog!

I'm so proud of you! (And I can't wait to visit with Andrew soon!)
