Flowers, cupcakes and chocolate milk.

Look who's got their hands on Cruze Farm Chocolate Milk?!?!?!? Drew got some cupcakes from Magpies and found some milk from Cruze farm at the store, so he bought some for us! IT WAS VERY DELICIOUS (using Andrews words). Fran is there a store in west Knoxville, Lenoir City that has the milk?? It was really good!!!!

Flowers for our anniversary last week.

Sorry no pics of the cupcakes...we ate them before I could get around to take a picture.



Yeah, I will have to show the picture of Andrew drinking the milk. The boys call it Jack and Jake milk. :)

Magpies uses the whole milk in their cakes/icings! Yummy!

I'll ask Colleen about a west knox/lenior city store. Her blog is
Melanie said…
Hey Marta!
There is Cruz family milk at the Horn of Plenty on Middlebrook (near our old work and my house). Come see me if decide to try it out!
I still haven't seen your baby girl and you need to see mine!