Our trip to Thomaston, GA

I was very glad that we made it to Thomaston, GA...my home away from home. This little town south of Atlanta is close to Griffin and Macon, GA. It is where I spent a lot of my time after I first came to the US. Here is where I got my drivers liscense and made some really good friends. When my dad first came to the US, this is the town that he (we) stayed in. He tried to make a home for us, but he was too homesick. He went back to Hungary to be with my mom after about 6 months and I went up to Chattanooga, TN to go to school there.
While we were in Thomaston we stayed with a very good friend that I met back home on one of the mission trips where I worked as an interpreter. Dr. Holloway is a retired medical doctor and still goes on many mission trips all over the world. The Holloway's invited me to stay at their house when I first got to Thomaston. I stayed with them for several months. It is a very stately colonial built in the Williamsburg tradition.
We stayed with the Holloway's on our weekend getaway and had a great time. We also visited with other friends and their families. It was a very full weekend.

This was a very nice backyard great for Andrew to explore.

Andrew, Drew, and Marta

Andrew really liked the monkey grass.

One of my friends from when I was younger and in college. Kristen Johnson and her son, Luke.

Andrew and Mommy enjoying the afternoon.

Before we left Drew and Andrew posed for a picture in the kitchen with Dr. Holloway.

Andrew did not sleep really well the two nights we were there so he was trying to catch up on sleep anywhere he could.

Eating in the breakfast room on Sunday morning before church.

Andrew wearing his daddy's belt on Sunday morning. He's ready to go!!!

Andrew, Marta and Dr. Holloway.

Out in the yard on Saturday morning. It was a beautiful morning but very hot and humid.

Daddy and Andrew playing around.

Andrew and daddy playing with the dogs.
