Our trip to Townsend, TN

We had a great weekend out in the mountains. It was nice to have a change from the same old weekends at home.

Daddy and Andrew are enjoying a stroll in the afternoon.

Andrew inspecting the rocks in the river.

It was much easier to have him in the diaper because eventually all his clothes were wet from playing in the river.

I am in control of the TV now!!!

Andrew and Daddy after church on Sunday in front of the river house.

There is something in the mountain air that made Andrew really hungry. It was very easy to feed him!!!! Enjoying breakfast with daddy.

Daddy and Andrew throwing rocks in the river.

The Smoky Mountains in the background of the Little River.

Andrew and mommy trying to stay still for the picture. The water was pretty cold.

Andrew testing his water shoes.

Daddy and Andrew enjoying the porch and swing at the river house.

Hello everyone,
I am posting some pictures of our trip to Townsend. Drew has an aunt that has a little house on the Little River and so we stayed for the weekend and had a great time enjoying the Smoky Mountains and playing in the river in the front of the house.
