Bennett Family Reunion August 2006

Last year was the first year for Andrew to be part of the Bennett Reunion. He enjoyed getting to know his cousins and the extended family.

Cousin Grayson is helping him crawl!

Drew's cousin Dee Dee and her daughter, Drew and Andrew.

Andrew F. Bennett Jr., Andrew F. Bennett III, and Andrew F. Bennett IV.

Uncle Todd and cousin Sidney.

Cousin David and Nikki.

Sidney is not sure about that muffin.

Cousin Grayson and Sidney.

After the reunion we went back to Grandma and Grandpa Bennett's house to play some more.

Uncle Todd and Andrew.

Watching TV. Grayson, Sidney, and Andrew.

The day before the reunion Drew and I celebrated our Wedding Anniversary. These are the flowers that Drew got me.

At the Italian restaurant Altrudas.
