Bennett Family Reunion August 2007

Before we left Andrew fixed Daddy's hair.

The reunion started with the introduction of all the families and the members of the families that were there.

Andrew is showing Grandpa his cup with ice.

Aunt Kori with the girls.

Uncle Mikel.

Cousin Todd Caywood.

Andrew loved listening to the music outside.

He also picked up a new ride.

Cousin James and his girlfriend.

Dana and Marta

The reunion was held at Camp Cherokee in the mountains close to Cleveland Tn.

Grandma Nancy and Dana.

Mikel and Walker, one of the twins.

Drew and Todd washing dishes after the lunch. Good job guys!!!

The Bennett family August 2007. James and David are not in the picture.

Andrew down at the lake.

The big water trampoline.

Drew with Andrew and Sidney.

I found some butterflies that stayed still while I took a picture of them.

Cousin Sidney.

Kori with Walker and Parker.

Going down to check out the canoes.

Drew in the canoe.

Mommy, daddy, and Andrew.

The view of the lake.

Some of Drew's aunts.

It is cool to be in the rocking chair.

Drew's Grandma and Grandpa Bennett.

Andrew is ready to go home.

Uncle Todd and the girls.

Playing at Grandma and Grandpa Bennett's house.

Walker and Parker.

Andrew is getting tickled by his cousins.
It is hard to say goodbye!!!
