An evening at Grandma and Grandpa Bennett in Cleveland TN

Andrew was so cute this morning playing with his race car that I had to take some pictures before we left for church.

Checking out the wheels.

Drew is on a trip with work this weekend and Andrew is missing him very much. He was looking out the window to see if daddy was coming home...

In the late afternoon we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Cleveland. Andrew was giving Grandpa sugar.

Checking out the blog on grandpa's computer...

Grandma was looking through some old pictures. We found some really great pictures of Drew when he was Andrews' age. Andrew looks sooo much like his daddy!!!

Andrew got a real treat today. Grandpa was feeding him and Andrew loved it!

I am a big boy now!

After dinner Andrew was helping with cleaning up the floor. He is a big helper and always tries to please everybody!