Sunday in downtown Knoxville

This Sunday we went to visit our old church downtown, First Baptist Knoxville. We used to be members there two years ago.

After church we went out on the square. Andrew is the only kid that I know that will not get into the water fountain.

This is where daddy used to work! Image Point.

We made a stop at Ben and Jerry's ice cream shop on Kingston Pike. Before we had Andrew, Drew and I would spend most of our Sunday afternoon drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. This time we just got some shakes and coffee and had to leave after Andrew got bored.

Mmmmm, the strawberry shake is really tasty!!!

Pushing the baby seat around the store.


DanaCinTN said…
What a cutie! I can't wait to see you guys again!

Thanks for doing this blog! I check for updates about every other day. :)
