Playing at the Children's Museum

This morning we went out to Oak Ridge to the Children's Museum. The building is very old and it used to be an Elementary School back in the 40's. Andrew, Maddie, and Eli had a great time playing together.

Discovering how the water fountain works.

An old TV that was used back in the 60's. Andrew kept waiting for the TV to turn on. He was ready to watch Elmo!

He is trying to make it work.

Maddie came to help!

In the water room getting wet!

Are you sure that it will not work??

In the doll house Andrew is the perfect host.

Making dinner in the kitchen.

Can I come in???

Look mom I am turning on the water!

He found the doorbell and kept ringing it!

Debora and Maddie.

The little doll house!

The Rain Forrest Room.

How may I help you?
