Greetings from Romania!

Hello everyone, I am writing from Romania. We have been here almost one week and my passport is going to be ready either on Friday or on Monday. I have a ton of pictures to post so far but at this Internet cafe I cannot upload them on the computer. Maybe when we return home or from my friends house here in Romania.
Drew will be coming this weekend! Andrew and I are very excited to see him again. We have missed him very much!!!
We will go to visit some in Budapest, Hungary, and maybe go to Austria also.
Andrew did REALLY well on the airplane with me, and had adjusted to the time change really well! He is talking a nap right now! (without me!!!) He is a great traveler!

Look for some neat pictures later on!



benneaf said…
Hey my honey. Daddy's on his way. You tell our little man I love him and I'll see him Saturday night or Sunday morning. Love U 2.
DanaCinTN said…
We miss you, and I know Drew sure does! We look forward to seeing pictures and hearing how your visit went.

Love you, Dana