Pictures from Nagyvarad, the city where I grew up.

This is the railway station of Nagyvarad. Lots of trains come in and go out from here. People in Europe use the railway more often than driving or flying. It is much cheaper too!
This is the old department store and there is a McDonald's on the bottom floor. I don't think that we went into any McDonald's or any fast food restaurant while we where there. We can do that here!
A tram bearing a lot of advertisement on its sides and windows.

A Greek Orthodox church, the predominant religion of Romania. You've got to love that blue tile roof!

This is one of the shopping centers that would equal to a mall here in the US. It is not very big but it does have a movie theater and lots of expensive shops!

This is a very old street of the city. It is called the walking street because cars are not allowed on the street. Both sides of the road have very old buildings and on the bottom floor of each building there are shops and restaurants.

This is the National Theater. The school always had its year end celebration at this theater so I performed on the stage with the choir many times!

The river that crosses the city (Nagy Koros). There really is no translation for that name.

The city building and court house.

Fall leaves that are really not much to look at!

First Hungarian Baptist Church. I grew up and made a lot of friends here. The church celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1985. Contrary to many beliefs that under communism there were not many Christians my family was baptist and this church had over 2,000 members. This is one of the biggest Hungarian churches in the world. It still has close to the same number of members even though there are a lot of people that moved away after the Revolution. The church is under renovation (inside) and the chapel that the meetings are held is too small, so there are two services in the morning and in the afternoon. I have a lot of memories that are tied to this church, and this church/the people in it are/were a very big part of who I am now.
