Sunday morning reading.

On Sunday we all got up really early. Andrew does not sleep well if he is not in his own bed. It was a beautiful morning. After breakfast we all decided to take a stroll through the woods. As the sun got higher it started to get warmer but in the early morning it was pretty cold!
Andrew with his breakfast listening to daddy reading a story...from the pillow?!?!?

He found his rocking chair... just the right size!!!

Drew reading a Harry Potter book that he found on the shelf. He said it was pretty interesting(the little that he read)!

Andrew playing with an apple (it was not a real one). He knows the Hungarian word for it -alma.

On a stroll in the woods.

The river that is near the house.

Going up to meet the neighbors.

Andrew found a stick and he used it some to get around.

Andrew getting a smooch from daddy.

Andrew and mommy.

Marta, Andrew, Ms. Holloway and Dr. Holloway in front of the neighbors house.

In front of another neighbors house.
