A trip to the Castle District.

While in Hungary my friend Gabi came to visit us with her husband Otto. They had a car so we went up to the Castle District. It is a historical place and there are a lot of tourists there. We could not go all the way up the hill with the car so we had to climb a lot of steps. Andrew loved it especially when we would lift him up and make it like a fun ride up the steps.

The Matthias Church roof.
An old house that is now a restaurant.

Drew and Andrew walking on the cobble stone streets.

There are remnants of the old house on the corner of this house (where the big rocks are). It was refinished in a way so that it would preserve some of the past history of this house.

Posing for a picture. The Parliament is in the background.

Gabi and Otto.

St. Matthias on the horse.

Gypsies playing in the outdoor restaurant in the Fisherman Bastion.

Blue eyed boy.
A view from the Castle District.

Andrew loving on daddy...

and mommy!!!
More pictures from around the castle.
