We are back!

We have come back from our trip from Hungary and Romania. We had a great visit with my parents and it was very hard to say goodbye to them! Andrew has learned quite a few words in Hungarian and he is so cute when he says the words sometime.
We had a very long trip back to the US because we missed our flight from New York to Nashville. We had to wait another six hours for the next flight. By the end of the trip we were very tired.
This is Andrew in the Nashville airport at 12am. He looks very tired even though he slept the most of any of us at the New York airport and on the airplane.

I started with the end of the trip but I will go back to the beginning of the trip and fill you in on all of our adventures!

On the flight from Budapest, Hungary we were on Malev Hungarian Airlines and Andrew got a toy airplane.
Mmmm this tastes good!
