Cassie's birthday party.

Saturday we were invited to Cassie's birthday, our next door neighbor. Andrew has a crush on Cassie. As soon as Andrew found out that we were going to her birthday he ran to the garage door, and he would not leave the garage door until we left. He was ready! Every single time we pass her house he always shouts out and says "Bye Cassie!" It is very cute!

Cassie had an Ariel themed birthday.

Cassie celebrated her fourth birthday. Her birthday is Nov. 7th just two days later than Andrew's birthday.

The cupcake was very delicious!!!

Sharing a moment together.

Andrew loves to play with the pretend kitchen food and dishes in Cassie's room.

The kids playing with a game that Cassie got for her birthday.

Happy birthday Cassie!!! We enjoyed your party!
