Our Thanksgiving.

Here it is...the Bennett Family Thanksgiving. Dana, Mikel, and her boys were missed for the main meal, but they arrived later for dessert. We had it all, turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry salad, and my stuffing...which was later tossed as it was nearly inedible. Notice Andrew covering his eyes. If you can't see him then he can't see you!

Three of Andrew's cousins, Grayson, Sydney, and Parker.

Uncle Todd carving the bird. Todd cooked the turkey.

Andrew...I think he's checking out the dog's bowl

Sydney patiently showing Andrew how to work her Barbie Laptop.

The Bennett Men.

The Andrew Franklin Bennett Men.

Little Boy, Big Smile!!!

Cousin Todd (a.k.a. "Blade") joined us for dinner and had a good time with the kids.

Me and my boy.

Princess Sydney. Sometimes she will tell you that she isn't a princess, she's just, "a little girl." She is a cutie.

We looked around from the dinner table and caught Andrew kissing the bunny.

Grandma and Andrew. I'm starting to think he likes that chair.

Marta and Sydney.

Uncle Todd catching a power nap in between feedings (I'm thinking of the twins feedings, not Uncle Todd's).

Andrew does his best Elton John Impersonation.

Posted by Drew Bennett.
