Staying home for Halloween.

Unfortunately, we had to stay home for this Halloween. Andrew had a fever yesterday afternoon and we decided that we will just hang out at home instead of going to the Fall Festival at the church. We had a couple of kids from the neighborhood come by and I took a picture of the Leach family. Andrew loved seeing them in costume.

Andrew and those rosy cheeks.

This is the chair that we camp out when Andrew is sick. This time it was no different Andrew sat in it most the evening.

We pretended that he got some candy and he had a piece of a small candy bar. He had his favorite "costume"on also.

I had to run some errands last night and I could not resist to go by the church to see everybody (even if it was just for a few minutes).
Mike and Jill are all dressed up and ready for the Hay Ride!

Lindsay and Brady, Andrew's buddy, was also there as a ghost!

Jack (his parents are in our ss class) was there dressed as a soldier. His daddy is deployed in Iraq.

Alicia and her little pumpkin Isaak.

Costume contest.

Later in the evening we baked Andrew's birthday cake and he was a big help with the clean up!
