Happy St. Nicholas Day!

Like all the children in Europe (Hungary, Romania) we celebrated St. Nicholas day yesterday. Back home we had two calendars that we went by. One is the regular calendar just like the one here, and the other is the Name Day calendar. Everybody has a name day celebrated during the year. St. Nicholas day (Santa) is on Dec. 6th of every year. That is when all the kids get their boots out, shine them and place them on the window seal for St. Nicholas (Mikulas in Hungarian) to come by and place presents in it. This year was no different!!!! Given that Andrew dose not own a really decent pair of boots he had to borrow mommy's boot... and it worked! He got some presents last night!!!! We all did!!!! I guess we were pretty good this year! Oh by the way, for Christmas we will have Angels bringing the presents!

Andrew playing with his toys.

Daddy got some sweets, tea and...

...a gift card to the bookstore. Well, St. Nicholas was right on target!

Mommy got a renewed subscription to Paula Deen magazine. Just what I wanted!!!
