My brother's visit!

My brother and his family came down to visit us this weekend. It was a last minute decision to visit but we enjoyed every minute! Andrew finally got to see (meet) his other cousins and play with them. It was nice to see some of my family around the holidays. I always miss them soooo much when we finally have to part! Hope that they will come again and that we will get to see each other again soon!
Here is our family and my brother's family, Susan, Ben (in her lap) Sara, Joshua and Ellie.

When they first got to Lenoir City the kids have been in the car for 6 hours so they went outside to play and get some of their energy out. Ben and Andrew went over to the sand pit and played there for a while.

Andrew is getting his bath while visiting with Benjamin.

Ellie, Sara and Ben playing on the laptop before going to bed.

Laszlo and Chris (the children's minister at our church). Chris was on one of the mission trips 15 years ago and my brother was the translator. It was nice for them to meet again and to talk about the good old times (it's a small world!).

Waiting for the service to begin.

Going home after the service.

Coloring in the Elmo book before going to bed on Sunday night.

Laszlo and Joshua.

Susan relaxing after dinner.

Benjamin is only 6 months older than Andrew. They had a great time together and the perfectly understood each other when they were speaking baby talk!

Hanging out on the swivel chair (it is everybody's favorite).
