Saying goodbye to my parents.

Well I did it! Made it to the last day (morning) of our trip to see my parents. We left them the last day of September on a Sunday morning. We were all groggy because we had to be at the airport at 5am and the airport was about 45 min away. Little did I (we) know that we were going to be on the road (air, airports) for over 24 hours and that we will miss our flight in New York. We had to wait from 12 noon until 7 pm at the airport for the next flight out to Nashville. American Airlines lost our luggage and the flight arrived 45 min late to JFK. Because of them we missed our flight to Nashville and they still did not do anything for us (get us on another plane, get us lunch, etc). Please make note of American Airlines they are awful!!!!!!! They have surely lost us as customers in the future.
Andrew had a meltdown and so did I when we found out about the missed flight and for a while everybody was looking at us in the airport like we lost our minds (and they were probably right!). I was so ready to be home and to be able to deal with my feelings of saying goodbye to my parents and here we were stuck at the airport for another day. We finally got in the air about 10 pm. The plane had to sit on the runway for 45 min just to be able to take off (and this was on a Sunday night!!!!). We finally got to Nashville at 12 am. Andrew fell asleep in the JFK airport and did not wake up until we got to Nashville. I held him the whole time! It was very tiring!!! I have the blog post of when we got to Nashville in the October month.
Thanks for coming back to check on our trip and hope that you got the feel of our trip and time that we spent there!

Andrew is brushing his teeth the night before our departure.

While we were trying to spend as much time with my parents before we had to go, my dad was taking Andrew up and down the escalator.

My mom and I posing for a picture. It was so hard not to think of what was coming next!!! I had to leave them and who knows when I will see them again. We were fighting back tears the whole time, and I have tears now just thinking about them and how much I miss them...

My dad had soooo much fun with Andrew...

Our last picture together.

Drew and nagymama.
