A trip to Ikea in Budapest, Hungary.

Of course, we could not pass up the opportunity to shop at Ikea in Budapest. While Atlanta is the only city in the Southeast to have a store, Budapest has two Ikea stores. So we got to pick which on to go to. At the end it did not really matter because all stores are the same! It was a rainy day and just perfect to play inside. Andrew loved playing in the kids area of the store...even Drew got to play with the toys!

After some window shopping we had lunch at the Ikea Restaurant. It is a very family friendly restaurant. While we were eating Andrew was able to play just in front of us with the rest of the kids in the restaurant. We did not have to worry about where he was so we had a very nice and enjoyable lunch!
This is Drew's dessert. I think it was an apple pie thing with a lot of meringue on top.

Andrew playing right in front of us in the kids area of the restaurant.
