Our trip up to Kingsport.

This weekend we went up to visit with Dana and Mikel and to see their new house. I totally forgot that Drew ALWAYS plays video games with the boys, this time it was no different. Andrew loves his "Uncle Mikel". We asked him to say everybody elses name but he would only say Uncle Mikel. He had a great time and was very tired by the time we got in the van to come back home. He went to sleep right away!

Mommy and Andrew.

On the swing with Drew. The sun was in our eyes.

Todd, David and Drew checking out the new game.

Daddy and Andrew "playing".

Todd showing Andrew what to do.

Drew breaking it down!!!!

Dana... sorry I warned you that it would be on the blog!

Daddy and Andrew on the exercise bike.

Dana and Mikel. They just bought a house and moved in it last September. The house looked great and we spent most of our time in the sun room.

Andrew giving hungs and kisses before leaving. He was very generous with Uncle Mikel.

Uncle Mikel and Andrew playing. Andrew LOVED all the attention from Uncle Mikel!!!

Playing the piano AND singing just before we left.

Andrew sleeping in the van.
