Potty time!?!?

A friend from "Mommy to Mommy" lunch gave us this potty. Friday afternoon we went out and got a toilet seat that goes over the big toilet and a step stool for Andrew to use in the bathroom. He had to have some "warm up time" to the potty where he would pretend that he is sitting on the potty and then quickly get off! Finally while watching TV (being distracted) he sat on the potty for a while. After out trip to the store he got all his clothes off and got on the potty and used his step stool to prop his feet up. He started out in the bathroom and then he would pick up his potty behind him and bring it into the kitchen (where I was) and sit down there and prop his feet up. It was very funny!
We also got him some "cars" underwear that he picked out but he did not let us put it on him. I guess we need to wait a while to potty train. Not ready yet!

Watching TV and finally sitting on the potty!
