Another special t-shirt.

On Monday we went to Target to get Andrew another prescription antibiotic (this is the third this spring!). I asked the doctor if we are doing something wrong and she said that since Andrew is going to MDO he is piking up all the different colds that are out there and this is how his body is dealing with it (he has a runny nose for a week or so and then he wakes up one morning pulling on his right ear!). He has an ear infection by the time we go to the doctor and it is only in his right ear (do not ask me why!). The infection is not severe but enough for him to take medicine for ten days! Maybe by the time Kindergarten will come he will not have to go through this again!:)
Here is another Thomas t-shirt that we got at Target. They just probably put the t-shirts out because I have not seen these there before! I am sure that Andrew drove everybody crazy at MDO the next day!!!!
