Birthday trip to Kinsport.

We went to Kingsport this Saturday to celebrate David and Nikki's birthday. There was great food and great company. We played some really cool card games (the adults). Thanks for inviting us to your party David and Nikki!

This was Nikki's b-day cake.

This was David's b-day cake. Both cakes were worth the wait. We got to have a big meal at Dana and Mike's house and after dinner we had cake and ice-cream.

Right after we got to Kingsport we went out to eat with everybody. Uncle Mikel brought Andrew to the pet shop while Drew and I were eating. It was nice to have some time to eat our meal in peace! Thanks Mikel!!!

After lunch we met up with Mikel and Andrew at the pet shop. When we got there he was admiring the birds.

Once we were at Dana's house Andrew gave the birthday gift to David and Nikki. It is so much fun because Andrew is at the age where he get the idea of celebrating birthdays! The best part, of course, is the cake!!!

Drew was writing one of his infamous birthday cards to David and Nikki. I tease him often that he should work for Hallmark.

David and Nikki opening our gift.

Andrew had to get some exercising in while we were there!

More gifts.

Scooping the ice-cream for the cake.

The time finally came when we had to say goodbye to everybody!
