Memorial Day.

OK, I think that now I am caught up with blogging! On Monday we (Drew and I) went to see a movie and for dinner we grilled out. We had some steak (courtesy of Todd and Kori from the Christmas gift last year). Yeah we (I) are not very much of steak eaters. But the dinner was great and after finishing up with dishes we decided to sit out on our porch to enjoy the rain that just started that evening. It was very nice and relaxing especially since on Tuesday we had a very busy day. I have started to sub some at Andrew's MDO on Tuesday and Thursday and it was my first day doing it. It went fast and in the afternoon we went to the Y where I had my usual afternoon shift to work. It is busy but it won't last forever. I am planning on a lot of activities for Andrew this summer that we can do together. Since he did so well for the Imax movie in Chattanooga we will try to go to the free movies that will be showing at the theater here in Knoxville. And, of course, we will have some play dates at the park, Sprout Studio, Oak Ridge, Children's Museum (just to name a few). Check back to see what is going on with us! Have a great summer y'all!!!

There will be a new blog that we will start with the house building and will let you know how that is going also!!!


benneaf said… honey is the blogging queen. I'm sure glad to have her. I couldn't keep up with where I've been or where I'm going without that woman by my side!

Love you Honey
