Our "crazy buzy" week!

Well, this week has turned out to be as busy if not busier than our past weekend. On Monday, Andrew went to MDO and in the afternoon I taught a class at the Y. Tuesday, I went to the Y to work the front desk in the afternoon. Wednesday, Andrew had MDO while I went to the Indian Lunch and then dinner at church in the afternoon. After dinner I set up the table that I hosted today at the ladies banquet. Today, Thursday, we went to Mother Goose in Oak Ridge, I cleaned the house and got ready for the banquet. Just got home around 9:30ish and tomorrow we will go to Chattanooga to spend the day with Thomas the Tank Engine. I am so excited for Andrew and I want to see his reaction when he will see and ride the "real train". Pictures will follow tomorrow. On Saturday we will go to ride the river boat with my in laws in Chattanooga while Kellye (my neighbor) will watch Andrew for us. Thank you Kellye (in advance!). On Sunday it turns out that the church will have a Homecoming and a children's program in the afternoon. Lots going on this week. I hope that next week will be a bit slower and we will get to enjoy this great spring weather!!!

The ladies banquet at Ball Camp Baptist Church.

My table, with some of my guests.
