Planting a garden.

Today I went and got some plants for us to have in our garden this year. We had a garden back in Chattanooga when we first got married but since then it has just been a couple of tomatoe plants around the house. Drew got one of our neighbor's tiller and worked the soil with it on Monday. Today it was ready to be planted with vegetable plants. We got some tomatoes (of course, my favorite) a couple of different kinds at that, cucumbers, eggplant, bell peppers (sweet not hot), sweet onions, and okra (Drew's favorite), some herbs, chamomile, mint, rosemary, sage. We will see how many of all these will actually produce fruit! I will keep you updated!!!
Andrew loved helping daddy, and riding the wagon.

After "helping" he got down beside the sandbox and played with the wet sand for a while.
