Company and fireworks.

Friday Drew and I got to go to a movie!!!! This was the first time since Abigail that we got to go on a real date! It was very nice! The kids staid in Kyndal's (our babysitter from down the road)
care. She (Kyndal) had a little sister just a couple months younger than Abigail. Sorry no pictures of the date.

In the afternoon Uncle Mikel, Aunt Dana, grandpa and grandma came to visit (see the new house) and have dinner with us. We had a "low country boil" dinner complete with veggies and fruit (a celebration of summer food!!!).

Aunt Dana and Abigail.

Uncle Mikel with Andrew and Abigail.

Dinner time.

Andrew "adores" his uncle Mikel because he (uncle Mikel) gives him (Andrew) special attention!

After everybody left and we finished cleaning up we got the kids up from their beds (oh mean, mean mommy and daddy) to see the fireworks.

This was the first time for Andrew to see the fireworks up close and really awake. He loved it and talked about fireworks for days (still is talking about it).

Abigail did good too! I was surprised that she was awake for the whole trip! Only my kids!!!
