Little river house.

Last Sunday we went to visit with Drew's aunt Bettye and uncle Raymond. They have a house on the Little River in Townsend near the Smokies. It was a nice day, not too hot and not too cool. It was just perfect for hanging out at the river and going tubing.
Drew and aunt Bettye getting lunch ready.

Abigail and aunt Bettye checking out the river.

Andrew is ready to get in the river.

Taking a walk around the island...

Drew and Andrew took a nap in the afternoon, and I took Abigail for a walk in the stroller hoping that she was going to take a nap in the stroller. She did but not for long!:(
Here she is working her cuteness!

Playing in the river is hard work...

Helping with watering the plants.

Daddy and Andrew going down the tube on the river. This year the river was fuller than the two years before, it was great for tubing!!!

Abigail in the hammock, she LOVED it!!!

Tubing is fun!!!
