Still in work...

...for the right family photo. Maybe next weekend will be the one!

Did not make it through the whole ss class because I got called in to get Abigail at church. She cried the whole time while in the nursery

...this is WHY!!! After ss class we left church and on the way home Abigail was fast asleep. We put her with her car seat on the dining table and she slept there for a good while. I guess we will pick which part of church we will go to next, ss class or church service.

In the afternoon Andrew and I got to go to see the movie "Up". All our friends that have seen it said that it was a good movie. We got to see it in 3D. Andrew sat in my lap the whole time (the special sound effects kept him scared, I guess) and he kept looking to the back of the movie theater to see where the sounds were coming from! Needless to say our "sound effects" at home are not nearly as good as the theater!lol
