Bennett family reunion 2009.

This past Saturday we went down to Cleveland for the family reunion. This time it was at Aunt La Verne's farm. It was nice not to have to drive for sooo long to get to the campsite where the reunion was the last two years. The kids had a great time, even the weather was pretty good although after the little rain in the afternoon it got a little humid.
It was a little more hectic for Drew and I to try to keep up with our 2 kids (I can only imagine how it is with more kids).

Second cousins playing with the bubbles.

Grandma and Abigail.

Grandpa with Abigail.

Aunt Kori with Abigail. (do you think she got around??)

Kids pushing/riding the tricycle?!?!?


Aunt La Verne's family (in the red t-shirts) were all helping out with organizing and getting everything ready as we got there.

Daddy with the kids.

Daddy with grandma and Abigail.

Cousin James (we have not seen him in a LONG time) in the middle and cousin Todd in the back. They guy in the front I am not sure who he is, a friend of James???

Aunt Dana.

Grandma Nancy.

Me with my baby.

Uncle Mikel feeding Abigail.

Me just posing for a picture with Abigail and not feeding her (for a change).Ahhhh!

One of the rides that Andrew got to go on with the other kids.

Here is the other ride where Andrew and Daddy got to go on this one.

Looking hot and tired.

Uncle Jack at the wheel.

Daddy and Andrew on the ride.

Just as they got back from the ride it started to rain.

Abigail made her rounds with all the rest of the family, too. She was the youngest one at this family reunion (at least for the time being).

Andrew hot, sweaty, tired and wet..... he had a meltdown right about here.

The "treasure chest" from where all the kids got to pick a prize.

As we were walking to the car to get back to grandma and grandpa's house Abigail was asleep in seconds. She was really tired just like her brother....(but without the meltdown).
