Happy 7 months Abigail!!!

Yes, today marks 7 months that Abigail was born...this month has gone by fast!!! She is growing soooo fast, she can roll over and back and that is the way she moves around the living room right now. She can babble and baby talk soo sweet, here little voice is just precious. I got her a baby doll today (her first doll, we will need to get some more...maybe for Christmas or for her birthday, HINT, HINT) and she had a lot of fun putting it in her mouth.

We also got to go to Dylan's for dinner. Since Drew is out of town this week Terri invited us for dinner. It was so nice not to have to cook, clean up AND take care of both kids tonight!!!! Thanks Terri , David and Dylan!!!!:) Sorry, no pictures from dinner, but it was very delicious!
