Sunday Lunch.

Sunday we went down again to Cleveland for lunch, and to spend some more time with Drew's family (his brother and family). It turned out that they (Todd and family) were leaving right after lunch to go back to Nashville so lunch was the only time we got to visit with them. After lunch we decided to come home too since we were all sooo tired from the reunion the day before. Abigail spent the drive home sleeping, Andrew, on the other hand, was awake on the way home but soon went to sleep in his own bed at home! :)

Big grin boy!

The family... Todd, Kori, Grayson, Sidney, Parker, Walker, grandma, grandpa, Aunt Doris and Uncle Oscar, and of course us.

Little girl always eating...

Aunt Doris and Uncle Oscar were not able to make the reunion so it was nice to see them at lunch and visit with them on Sunday.
