Taking care of little sister...

We finally moved Abby to the crib, we took it out of Andrew's room (it was made into a toddler bed) and set it up as a crib for Abby. She is not taking to it too well... it will be a slow process. I try to get her in there during the day and let her play and maybe take a nap!?!?!? Oh and our swing just gave it last breath!!! Not a good timing...too many new things all at once, not good, not good. She will get used to the new one (we got Dylan's swing for right now) eventually, until then I am ready for many short naps during the day and not much sleeping in the night in the crib.

Andrew has been sleeping in his "big boy bed" and when asked about sharing his toddler bed he willingly gave it to Abby. That is good news, one down and one to go.

Here he is helping Abby get used to her crib by playing with her...I have to watch him closely or he will hit (accidentally) his sister in his eagerness to play.

Here he was feeding her little bits of sweet potato puffs. Way to go Andrew!!!!
I did have to tell him to slow down before putting another puff in her mouth ( it kind of worked when I told him to count till 5 and then give it to her) :)
