Brady's birthday party.

Last Sunday we went to Brady's birthday party. As we got there everybody was getting ready to go outside to play on the slip and slide. Here they are going wild with the balloons... until one popped!!!

Lindsey with Abby.

Taking turns on the slip and slide. Thankfully the weather held out and it was nice and warm outside, just right for playing in water.

Towards the end of the play outside things got out of hand as Lindsey and Brady's grandpa got into a water gun fight. Here is Lindsey ready to go in and dry off...

Needless to say it was an ALL boys party, Abby and I sat on the porch while we "borrowed" Shawn's jumperoo.

Cute decorations!!!

And a cute cake!!!:)

Eating cake and ice cream! Yum!!!

Travis, Lindsey, Brady and Shawn.

Opening presents.

Andrew trying out Brady's birthday present.

Cool helmet!!

Yep, Abby was under the table, away from the crazy, wild boys!

Drew, Abby, Lindsey and Shawn (he is 2 months older than Abby).

Those tricky candles...
