Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Tuesday we had lunch with Dylan and Terri at the park. The boys had a great time running around the soccer field and playing soccer. They would run over to us and get a bite of food and then run away to play, back and forth like that.

I was trying to get a picture of Abby looking at me but I was not lucky this time.

Dylan eating a bite of his apple sauce before taking off again!!!

Andrew eating a chip before taking off again!!!

Swinging the wrong way.

Wednesday just before going to get big brother from MDO.

Wednesday night we had Maddie, Megan and Deb come over to play and have dinner with us. Maddie and Andrew are good friends! :) Trying to watch TV while I was trying to take their picture.

Thursday morning on our way to Mother Goose in Oak Ridge.

Playing with the parachute at Mother Goose.

Ready to go eat lunch!!

Thursday afternoon daddy finally came home from his business trip. We missed you daddy!!!!!
