Busy Wednesday.

Wednesday we had a very event filled day, but before Wednesday, on Tuesday, we met Maddie and Megan at the gym to play for an hour. After all that jumping we were really hungry so we went to eat lunch together.
Here is Abby before leaving...

Andrew trying out new equipment.

As we came back I could not resist to take this picture to show how many people were working on the house that day. I counted 8 cars on the side of the road, that is the most so far.

Andrew had a Fall Party at MDO on Wednesday. He had a special lunch (pizza and cupcakes) and a bag full of candy for home.

That is my boy, right in between the girls!!!

After naptime we took a stroll around our neighborhood and looked at the pretty colors of fall.

Happy girl.

Neighbors ready for Halloween.

At our favorite pond...

For dinner we went to our church, there was a Fall Festival and Andrew got to dress up in his costume. He was very excited to mingle with all the other dressed up boys and girls.

That cow was pretty big!!!

Getting his face painted.
