Other things we did last and some of this week.

Last week we went to Oak Ridge and got to play in the park with Maddie and Megan. I had Abby in the Baby Bjorn. It was fine while I had her but that night my back was just killing me from having her strapped to me in the park. She is at the age where she can crawl but not walk, and that is not ideal for being at the park....

Andrew had a great time with the girls and got to play and swing the whole time we were at the park.

Snack time!

One night Drew went into Andrew's room to check on him, and this is how he found him sleeping. Could not pass it up, I had to take a picture.

This week after going out to the park again we went back to Deb's house for dinner. Megan and Abby had some special time at the table.
On the way home our conversation went like this:
Andrew: "Hey, hey anyu let me tell you something."
Me: "yes Andrew what is it?"
Andrew: "Maddie has a playroom, and Dylan has a playroom but I don't have a playroom but I have a playroom in the other (new) house."
Then I proceeded to tell him that not everybody has a playroom (I did not have a playroom growing up, heck I did not have a room for my own!) and that is OK. Only time will tell if I got through to him!?!?!

This week we went to give out the birthday invitations. Today we visited with Dylan and spent some time playing in Dylan's playroom.

Abby was mesmerized by this toy. I don't know exactly what it was...

Andrew singing.

Last Friday we went to Tataru's with Dylan and got to play for a while. Even Abby got to crawl around and visit with a little girl.

More shoe chewing before church on Sunday.

This is a preview of the wardrobe for the 9 month picture that I will have Abby wear (the tutu part). I made the tutu and got a little onezie with her initial on it in hot pink. It will look really cute... I think. The tutu was easy and a lot of fun to make!!!!

Hummmm, orange and pink....don't really go together.
