Another busy weekend.

Here are a couple of pictures from our weekend, they are all out of order because I have two different cameras that I took pictures with and downloaded to the computer.
We got to "make" more like take it out of the bag and put it on the tray cookies. They were good! We are going to make some gingerbread cookies this weekend with our cousins down at grandma and grandpa's house!

Sunday morning... it is fun to dress Abby and to take pictures with her!

She had a rough night on Saturday because of teething and then at church she did not get to sleep. She took a "power" nap in the car on the way home BUT she did take a TWO hour nap in the late afternoon. She was soooo out that she did not even wake up when I went into her room to take some pictures!!!:)

Just woke up... cute rosy cheeks!

Sunday night we went to eat at church "thanksgiving meal". It was great I did not have to cook!

After dinner Abby was ready to crawl around!

Andrew was not sure what to do next!?!?

Saturday was such a nice day we went on a walk around the neighborhood.

Daddy got to carry Abby!
