Christmas Eve.

Tonight we went to Christmas Eve service before we opened presents. Since Drew did not have much of a tradition we are continuing my family's tradition. At home growing up we ALWAYS went to church on CHRISTMAS Day, not so much here... I am not used to the Christmas Eve service but it us better than nothing. Most of the churches that we attend(ed) had COMMUNION on Christmas Eve. I COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND THAT!!!!! Well, we went to this non denominational church that is close to Lenoir City because it started at 4:30pm and LOVED IT!!!! This is the church for us on Christmas Eve, no more communion!YAY!!!
We sang a lot of Christmas songs, the preacher had a few things to say about Christmas, the children got to sing in front of the church (kids did not have to be members) AND we got our candles lit way BEFORE the song "Silent Night"!!!! It was a great experience!!!!
Here Abby is wrestling with her headband...taking it off and trying to put it back on hear head!:)))

Here she is trying again!

And again...

and again!

At the church, Andrew was ready for the candle to be lit!:)))

Big smile!

Daddy and Abby singing and "dancing" to the music... it was a very informal service and the best thing was that you did not have to try to keep the kids quiet like when you have "communion".

At home we got to see what the ANGELS brought us. Growing up we had St. Nicholas day on Dec 6th and then at Christmas we had Angels bring us the presents. It will be a little bit confusing for Andrew but he will get the hang of it, it is hard because everybody asks him what will Santa bring him when it is the Angels that come to our house....
Abby's first real nice baby doll! She really liked the little bear that came with the doll!:)))

Busy opening presents...

After a sink bath Abby was checking out the bathtub to see if she could get in and get another bath... she LOVES her bath time!:))) We really have to watch her because she sneaks into the bathroom and pulls herself up to the toilet and splashes in the water... she loves getting wet!:)))
I will try to get a picture of it sometime!:)
until then
