Christmas in Cleveland.

On Christmas day we went to spend the day in Cleveland with Drew's family. We got to see uncle Mikel, aunt Dana, cousin David (his wife Nikki) cousin Todd, great aunt Doris and great uncle Oscar.
here is a picture of grandma's Christmas tree...
Abby loves to feed us, here she is feeding her daddy.:)

Andrew and daddy (apu).

One of Abby's presents.

One of grandma's presents, Kori and I made this bag for her on the Internet (it has the picture of the grand kids on each side of the bag). Sorry, I do not have a better picture of the bag... i will remember to take one next time we are there to show it to you all. It was a neat gift ( I like it so much that I will ask for it for my birthday or Mother's day?!?!?)

Abby loved playing with her butterflies...

Daddy and Batman!:)))

Cousins playing a game... before eating lunch.

Son, mother, and granddaughter.

The table is set...

Grandpa loving on Abby.:)))

Andrew F. Bennett Sr., Andrew F.Bennett III, Andrew F. Bennett IV, and Abby for some sweetness!:)))

plus me....

Taking a bath in grandma's tub before leaving for home...

Batman did not make it awake... he was asleep before we got to the interstate. WHAT CAN YOU SAY, IT IS HARD WORK TO BE A SUPER HERO!:)))
