This is for you Maria Smith!!!!

Here are some pictures from two (2) years ago. That was the last time I got to see my brother!!! Yeah, it is a shame! but last year I was pregnant and sick ( the last thing I wanted was to travel 6 hours in a car) and this year Abby was sooo small tooo small to travel. . We are planning on getting together next year sometime in the late winter or early spring.
From left to right front row: Me, Andrew, Ellie, Joshua, Sara, Benjamin and Susan. Back row: Drew and Laszlo.
It was New Years Eve 2007

Benjamin and Andrew playing in the sandbox right after they got to our house. The kids have been couped up in the car for 6 hours so it was time to play!!!!:))))

Ellie, Sara and Benjamin ready to go to sleep. Benjamin is the youngest one and he is 6 months older than Andrew. Ellie is the third on and she is 6 years old!??! I think! Sara is the second one, her and Joshua share the same birthday (March 30th) but 2 years apart!!!

My brother Laszlo and children's pastor Chris. My brother used to be an interpreter for the mission groups that came to Romania, and Chris was in one of the groups that came lots of years back. It was pretty neat for them to meet again after all this time!!!

At church before the service (we do attend a much smaller church since this picture has been taken).

Cousins playing! Andrew still had that baby face! Soooo sweeeet!:))))

Benjamin the baby!

Cousins hanging out!
