Happy Belated New Year!

We had a busy week last week... Drew was off last week so we tried to get as much done around the house, at the new house as we could before he went back to work.
On Wednesday we took down the Christmas tree, it was sad but BATMAN did make the time fun!:))))

Planning her birthday party has been soooo much fun... it takes the focus off of me (i have a birthday in January, too) so I don't have to think of getting one year older yet again this year!:((

New Years Eve we went out with some friends for dinner... we had our sweet neighbors (Mr. and Mrs. Buse) to watch the kids!:))) Thanks again!!!
We had a great not being interrupted by kids all the time, we actually were able to carry on a conversation!:)))

Saturday we went down to Atlanta to pick up a few things for the new house. Drew used to work at the Container Store where we got the Elfa storage system. One of his old coworkers took this picture in front of the Free Standing Elfa (Drew's baby). He worked on the idea for the store while he worked at the store!:)))

At our favorite restaurant "Boneheads" before heading off to Ikea.

Our Sunday morning pictures...
