Maddie's birthday.

This past Saturday was Maddie's 4th birthday. We all went but not before we watched what Prince Eric did wear in the movie "The Little Mermaid". Andrew was one of the princes there since it was a princess party.
Maddie the birthday girl!

My kids busy playing with the princess castle...

the other kids from the party

Abby really likes this ride on and she had a big grin when I put here on to ride!:)))

Do you see all her 6 (six) teeth?!?!?

Getting ready to eat; there was talk about placing Abby in the middle of the table as a center piece...:))))

Andrew eating RAW celery! I better have this for future reference!:)

Opening the presents...

Make a wish "little pirate head!:))))"

The one moment that I was NOT holding Abby!:)

eating the birthday cake

Abby thinking about dressing up!

Little Megan all dressed up!

standing in line to hit the pinata!
