Abby's birthday party!

OK, so this is going to be a long post but bear with me! We finally had Abby's birthday party last Saturday in the new house. NO we are not moved in yet we just had the party there because it had more space for the kids to run around! Almost everybody was able to make it two weeks later for the party and we were very glad for that! We had a great time visiting and watching the kids have a great time playing and getting stuffed on candy!:)))
Our family of four at Abby's birthday!

These were the favor buckets...

Some of the decorations...

Another picture of the favor buckets!:)))

The ritz cracker appetizers that i made that morning!

Me and my kidos!YES, I made Andrew wear pink for his sister's birthday!:))) He was a good sport about it, too! Really he did not care as long as he got to play and eat candy, which he did!

The little ladybug!

The appetizers!


Abby and her bump, we were so busy getting everything ready for the party that we did not watch her get up on the steps and by the time Drew got to her she fell and hit her head! What was she thinking we were too busy getting things ready for her party!??!?!:)))

Patty, our neighbor and some of the kids playing in the playroom!

Dylan was there too, to play with all the other boys....

Grayson and Sidney enjoying their panini sandwich.

Kyndal and Kaysin (one of Abby's friends from down the road)

ONE of the birthday cakes.

Birthday girl eating her cake.

Caroline and Valerie (another friend from church nursery)

Terri and Devan

Me and my busy bug...

The handmade banner...and other decorations, and grandpa!:)))

Uncle Todd in charge of the panini maker!

Kori, Grayson and grandma.

Grandma and Sidney.

Grayson and the big pink ball!!!

Parker and Walker eating their cake and ice-cream.

Watching a movie in Andrew's secret room.

Abby having fun with the tunnel.
