James and Mia's wedding.

A couple of weekends ago we went to Kingsport to see James and Mia get married. We were late to the ceremony AND I forgot one of Abby shoes at home. You ask how did that happen? well, I let Abby take one to play with while I was trying to pack her and Andrew's clothes, she took it all around the house and I did not remember to look for it again.:))) Mommy brain, no brain at all...
Uncle Mikel, aunt Dana, grandpa, Andrew and Abby in the picture right after the ceremony.

Apu and Abby.
Anyu and Abby, you can see here little teeth in this picture!:)))

Me and the kiddos.

The twin cousins.

Abby checking out the flower girls.

Killing time at the reception. After we got home that night Abby had a rough night sleep wise (so we had a rough night, too!) She had a really BAD cold the following week (I was half expecting Andrew to get it) he did, but not as bad as Abby. I will not miss these rough days and weeks when the kids are sick....

The bride's cake.

Bennett siblings.

Andrew and one of his favorite uncles!

Bennett's March, 2010.

The ONLY picture of the groom and the kids....


Me and my better half!:))))

Mother and son.

Eating the grooms cake.
