Easter Sunday 2010.

After church we went to see grandma and grandpa for lunch. Well, grandpa was not there (he just had surgery on his eye the Friday before) so, we got to see grandma, uncle Oscar, and aunt Doris at lunch!:)))
After church we asked one of grandma's neighbor to take a picture of all of us!

Uncle Oscar and aunt Doris.

Baby girl waiting for her food! Actually, she did not eat very much, there were sooo many people at the restaurant that it was just too overwhelming for her!:( But she did eat later on at home!:)

Me and my boy!

The lunch party (minus Drew and grandpa). Drew took some lunch for grandpa at home while we ate at the Holiday Inn.

Grandma and the grand kids.

At this point the kids were not cooperating very much....

In the big chair...

Playing with toilet paper in the bathroom.

Checking out the neighbors front yard...


Maria Smith said…
Hello Marta!! Your Abbi is so cute also Andrew is...they now look alike I mean I can see some resemblence. I am pleased that you get to dress up so nicely me I am normally wearing tatty old clothes and bad hair...you all look fabulastic as I like to say. I wish you guys were closer then we could get some insoiration from you. Mx