Date with daddy!

I got some help last Friday from my neighbors, they watched the kids while I cleaned the house. When I went to pick up Andrew and Abby this is how he looked! He got a face painting!:))) It was cute! Thanks Patti, this will be a great idea for his next birthday party!:))))
Back to Saturday... After the birthday party Abby and I met up with Drew and Andrew downtown Knoxville. There was a little farmers/arts market and we got to walk around before it started to rain. We were all hungry so we ate lunch at the little Mexican restaurant on the square!

Market Square.

Apu with his girl.

Andrew eating a chip...

Andrew walked for grandpa Bennett at the MS walk. That is what the green sticker said on his shirt!

On our way to the doctors office this Monday for a well checkup (15 months). Abby is officially over 20lbs (finally) but she is still a "little thing!" She is brushing her teeth with her brother's brush.... no Andrew is not going to use that brush anymore!:)))
