Fall parties....

On a beautiful October afternoon we went out to play on the playground. The leaves were sooo pretty and the kids just had a great time playing on the slide and riding the big wheel!

Abby was getting a little tired here...

On the slide all of them together!

We celebrated Drew's birthday with his mom and dad at the restaurant! It was nice not to have to cook dinner and do dishes!:))))

Us without Andrew...

Here is Andrew busy while waiting for the food to come!

Abby's first time to eat lemon wedge, no real reaction from her...

Playing together with grandpa.

She was really thirsty!

At church Fall Festival.

did not like that hat!

face painting

The Bennett's 2010

she loved the water game!")

working on a necklace with daddy.

superman and superwoman!

At a fall party at Andrew Lovingood's grandmas place. Abby was feeling right at home!:)))

lunch time was fun!

would not look at the camera for anything!
